Residual waste and waste bags

Maastricht aims to become a zero-waste city. Together we minimise waste. We separate any unavoidable waste for recycling and reuse, allowing us to make new materials out of rubbish. Proper waste separation reduces residual waste, which benefits you too. The less residual waste you have left, the fewer residual waste bags you need to buy. This page explains how residual waste is collected, what you can put in your residual waste bags and where you can buy them.

Home collection

Residual waste bags are collected door-to-door, from outside your property. We collect residual waste once per two weeks throughout the whole city. Check the collection dates for your address on our MilieuApp  and our waste calendar.

If you prefer to separate and recycle, you can take your waste to one of our recycling stations or centres.  Some high-rise buildings have underground containers for residual household waste.

Red and white residual waste bags

Please use a red and white Maastricht residual waste bag when putting your residual waste out for collection. Our waste collection crew will not collect any other types of bags.


The following rates apply in 2025:

  • ​​25 litre residual waste bags: € 13.60 (pack of 20)
  • 50 litre residual waste bags: € 11.70 (pack of 10)

You can buy the red and white Maastricht residual waste bags at various shops. You can buy the red and white Maastricht residual waste bags at various shops. See the drop-down section 'Where to buy residual waste bags' at the bottom of this page for a list of shops.

Free residual waste bags or compensation for low incomes

If you are on a low income, you may be struggling to pay your waste disposal taxes or to buy red and white residual waste bags. If so, you can apply for a tax exemption. You can submit your application (in Dutch only) to the organisation that deals with waste disposal tax: de Belastingsamenwerking Gemeenten en Waterschappen (BsGW).

If you are entitled to a tax exemption, you do not have to pay the tax assessment. You will also receive a number of residual bags for free or the municipality will give you an allowance:

  • € 23.40 (if you live alone) or
  • € 35.10 (if you live together)

The municipality will send you a letter if you are eligible for an exemption. You do not have to submit a separate application.

If you do not know whether you are eligible for a remission, please visit the website of BsGW (in Dutch only).

Comments and complaints

Has your waste not been collected? Or do you have another complaint or comment? Let us know via the MijnGemeente app or call us on 14 043.

  • In the city centre (see list of street names below), different times apply for offering your waste. 

    You can put your organic waste and/or residual bags on the street between 5.00 and 6.00 p.m. on the day of collection. From 6.00 p.m. onwards, we will collect your waste. 

    Some locations are difficult to reach for our waste collection service. The table below shows whether there is a central collection point for your address.

    Your addressCentral collection point?
    Markt 1 to 76 B-
    Heilige GeestOn the Markt, at the lamppost opposite the Heilige Geest
    Grote Staat-
    LeliestraatAt the corner of Leliestraat / Grote Staat or Leliestraat / Platielstraat
    Kleine Staat-
    MariastraatNear the lamppost on the Kesselskade
    JodenstraatAt the corner Jodenstraat / Kesselskade
    Maastrichter Brugstraat-
    Maastrichter SmedenstraatAt the corner of Smedenstraat / Wolfstraat or at the square Mestreechter Geis / Het Bat
    Achter het Vleeshuis-
    Grote Gracht-
    Sint Amorsplein-


  • Check the MilieuApp for the waste separation guide. It shows which waste belongs where.

  • You can buy the red and white Maastricht residual waste bags at the shops below:

    Albert HeijnBrusselse Poort 456216 CGMaastricht
    Albert HeijnBurgemeester Cortenstraat 86226 CVMaastricht
    Albert HeijnSint Rochusstraat 206241 CDBunde
    Albert HeijnHelmstraat 4-66211 TAMaastricht
    Albert HeijnPlein 19926221 JPMaastricht
    Albert HeijnScharnerweg 1106224 JJMaastricht
    Albert Heijn - Jan LindersMasadastraat 516222 DZMaastricht
    Albert Heijn - Jan LindersRijksweg 62 A6228 XZMaastricht
    Albert Heijn - Jan LindersTongerseweg 576213 GAMaastricht
    Supermarkt RouwenhorstKasteel Schaloenstraat 406222 TPMaastricht
    CobbenGlacisweg 256212 BLMaastricht
    EkoplazaRechtstraat 48 A6221 EKMaastricht
    Gamma Maastricht BelvederePontonniersweg 156219 PJMaastricht
    Gamma Maastricht-OostOostermaasweg 36226 VJMaastricht
    Jumbo Cadier en KeerRijksweg 276267 ADCadier en Keer
    JumboFranciscus Romanusweg 26221 AEMaastricht
    Jumbo Hilkens BundeSint Agnesplein 8 6241 CABunde
    JumboVoltastraat 76224 EKMaastricht
    JumboBrusselsepoort 196216 CEMaastricht
    JumboKuilenstraat 736231 AV Meerssen - Rothem
    JumboMosae Forum 5-66211 DVMaastricht
    JumboMalbergsingel 746218 AVMaastricht
    JumboRoserije 3036228 DRMaastricht
    Plus BeckersDe Mandel 7.026227 CSMaastricht
    Plus CabergClavecymbelstraat 316217 CRMaastricht
    Plus FranssenDe Beente 866229 AVMaastricht
    Plus Quadvlieg AmbySeverenplein 24 A6225 AZMaastricht
    Plus SavelkoulKeurmeestersdreef 111 A6216 EDMaastricht
    Slagerij WeversHerculeshof 136215 BCMaastricht
    Spar CityStationsstraat 96221 BMMaastricht
    Spar City Boschstraat 46-486211 AXMaastricht
    Van Roy supermarkt Zarak Meerssenerweg 97 6222 AJMaastricht
  • Put your residual waste bags out after 7.00 pm the day before collection, and before 6.00 am on the morning of collection. The bags should be at the edge of your property and visible from the road. Some streets have a central collection point. 

    Do you live in the city centre?

    The waste collection schedule in the city centre differs from the rest of Maastricht. If you live in the city centre, you can put your residual waste bags outside from 5.00 pm until 7.00 pm on Tuesday. We start collecting household waste at 7.00 pm.

  • Some addresses have a central waste collection point. Only place your waste at the collection point. This enables us to collect your residual or organic waste safely, and disrupt traffic as little as possible.

    StreetCentral collection point
    Arkebusruwe 1 - 87 (odd) and 6 - 92 (even)Corner of Arkebusruwe / Kurasruwe
     Corner of Arkebusruwe / Blijderuwe
     Corner of Arkebusruwe / Toernooiruwe
    DassenstraatWeidmanstraat (green strip)
     Dassenstraat (green strip) up to house number 2
    Askalonstraat 7 - 53 (odd) and 10 - 48 (even)Askalonstraat from Sionsweg to Askalonstraat, house number 45
     Askalonstraat from house number 7 into the direction of Populierweg
    Heilige GeestLamp post near Heilige Geeststraat
    MariastraatLamp post Kesselskade
    JodenstraatCorner of Kesselskade / Jodenstraat
    SmedestraatCorner of Smedestraat / Wolfstraat
     Maastrichter Geis square and het Bat
    Het Bat 2, 4 and 6Corner of Smedestraat / Stokstraat

    Collection point Eiffelgebouw (Noord-kop): Sphinxcour

    1H01, 1H02, 1H03, 1H04 (6th floor)

    1K01, 1K02, 1K03 (7th floor)

    Three-way junction Boschstraat / Maasboulevard

    Collection point Eiffelgebouw (Zuid-kop)

    Petrus Regoutplein:

    6H01, 6H02, 6H03, 6H04

    6K01, 6K02, 6K03, 6K04

    Three-way junction Boschstraat / Sint Teunisstraat
    Het LindenkruisOrganic waste: Lindenkruis and Maagdendries
    Corner and curve Prinsenlaan / HeerderwegOn street corners at Heerderweg
    Corner of Heerderweg / HeerderdwarsstraatNearest lamp post
  • If you separate waste properly, very little waste will be left to put in the residual waste bag. Organic waste is collected free of charge every week. We collect plastic and metal packages and drink cartons (pmd) once every 2 weeks in some neighbourhoods.

    You can dispose of the following types of waste at every sorting station (for free):

    • Glass (clear and coloured)
    • Paper and cardboard
    • Baby nappies and incontinence pads
    • Plastic and metal packages and drink cartons (pmd)
  • We collect waste that quickly gets smelly, especially organic waste, every week free of charge (green bin). You can dispose of plastic, metal packaging and drink cartons (PMD), paper, cardboard, glass, baby nappies and incontinence pads at a sorting station at any time.

  • It has been shown (nationally) that the system of paid residual waste bags results in more separation than the DIFTAR Waste Registration & Identification System using containers, or no DIFTAR system at all. The immediate financial incentive ensures that people separate better and more often. That is why Maastricht is performing so well compared to other larger municipalities. When you separate waste properly, you end up with very little residual waste and there is little need to buy residual waste bags.

    • Tie off your residual waste bag properly before putting it out for collection. Do not put it outside before you are allowed to do so. Together, we can keep the streets clean.
    • Respect the weight limits for residual waste bags. A 25-litre bag may weigh a maximum of 3.5 kilos. A 50-litre bags should weigh no more than 7 kilos.
    • Avoid fines. Do not put out residual waste in any bags other than Maastricht’s red and white residual waste bags.
    • If you have any items of residual waste that do not fit in the red and white bag, you can dispose of them at one of the recycling centres and pay a charge.