Working home

Working at home has many advantages. Permission from the municipality all depends on the plans you have and the type of business you want to start. In Maastricht, we have clear rules for home-based professions and businesses. The main rule for working at home is that your home must remain primarily your residence. The largest part of your house should be living space and not become working space.

Two types of business activities

There are many different business activities you can carry out at home. We distinguish between 2 different types:

  1. a profession at home
  2. business-to-consumer and/or skilled trade activities

Profession at home

These professions include accountant, lawyer, doctor, therapist, artist, designer and similar. They don't usually need much space, so that your home can continue to be primarily your residence. Such professions also have an image which is perfectly in line with a residential area. If you meet the conditions below, you do not need an exemption from the zoning plan. You may need other permits or you may have to provide a notification. Do the permit check via Omgevingsloket (the digital Service desk for environmental and planning permits). Still need assistance? The Maastricht Business Team will help you on your way.

Business-to-consumer or skilled trade activities

Business-to-consumer refers to services aimed at consumer care, e.g. a hairdressing or nail salon. A skilled trade activity involves the manufacture, processing or repair of goods wholly or predominantly by hand, such as a photographer or goldsmith. Also, in this case, your home must continue to be primarily your residence. For this type of home business activity, you need permission from the municipality. It is best to first submit a tentative application (principeverzoek). Every application is customised. We examine the technical starting points and feasibility of your plan. If the advice is positive, you can apply for an environmental permit. See below for the conditions for consumer or skilled trade activities.


Do you have questions about working at home? Or any other question about doing business in Maastricht? Please contact the Maastricht Business Team.

    1. The largest part of your home (70%) should remain living space and not become working space. The working area must not exceed 75 m2.
    2. Your activity must not have an adverse effect on traffic and must not cause parking problems.
    3. You as the resident carry out the activity yourself.
    4. You do not use public space for outdoor storage or activities. Loading and unloading are permitted.
    5. If you want to renovate or advertise, you will need a permit.
    6. Retail activities are not permitted.
    7. If you live in a rented accommodation, you will need the landlord's permission.
    1. You have permission from the municipality to carry out this business activity in your home. If you live in rented accommodation, you also need permission from the landlord.
    2. The business activity meets the environmental preconditions for the residential environment.
    3. The largest part of your home – 70% – should remain living space and not become working space. The working area must not exceed 75 m2.
    4. Your business activity must not have an adverse effect on traffic and must not cause parking problems.
    5. You as the resident carry out the business activity yourself.
    6. Subordinate retail trade is allowed. This means that you may sell products that are subordinate to the business activity. For instance, this could be the sale of hair care products in a hairdressing salon.
    7. If you want to renovate or advertise, you will need a permit.
  • In the case of a request in principle, a casemanager from the Licensing Team will check with you whether your plan complies with the zoning plan and/or the external appearance requirements. You will then receive advice on the feasibility of your plan. This is more economical than applying for an environmental permit immediately. After all, you save the costs of a possible adjustment or a negative decision on your application for an environmental permit.

  • Do you receive a positive advice on your request for principle? Then you can apply for an environmental permit via Note: as a company you will need eRecognition for this. Do you prefer to apply for an environmental permit in writing? That is also possible through the Environmental Counter.

    Do you want to rebuild?

    Are you planning to convert part of your home into office or business space? If so, you may need an environmental permit. You can apply for this permit from the team Vergunnnen WABO, Veiligheid en Leefbaarheid.

    Placing advertising

    Do you want facade advertising, commercial advertising, illuminated advertising or a sign? In that case you also need an environmental permit. In Maastricht the rules for advertising are laid down in the Welstandsnota 'maatwerk in kwaliteit' (Quality made to measure) and in the additional examples booklet. You have to pay an advertising tax for advertising on the facade or advertising that is visible from the public road. 

    Please note: fees are charged for the processing of a request in principle or other (environmental) permits.  The advisor in charge of the Permit Team can inform you about this.